Sunday, 18 December 2011

Demons of The Mind

Demons of The Mind!
Looking at the bright blue sky I feel
Life is a rather leech like ordeal
When was it, my fate God sealed?
With whom did he make this rather strange deal?
With the burden of sorrow, rather low I kneel.

Looking at these roads which never end
It's a glee whenever they offer an unexpected bend
The distance always grows by furlongs, my friend
On these streets, rolling was I sent
My fate, it is I often seek to mend.

Among the clouds, shapes I often trace,
At night, among the constellations, rather like my face
Lost am I, in the world's wide maze
The frown,I find, even in my shoe lace
Why? Oh! Why? Do I feel the daze?

Your highness, up there, do you ever see down?
Do you ever think about the people, in misery, drowned?
Alone in a corner these folks are found
An unexpected joy for me, when friends surround
Yet, so often, I remain buried under the ground.

Craziness, of life, the things it makes you say,
Things surprising, It can never happen in the dream of day
Dilemma astounds, left to right the mind sways,
The murky past and the invisible future,all so gray,
These demons of the mind however my friend,
Are always born to be slayed.
Shubham Chattopadhyay

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Slow Down!


Ahoy! There mate!
You seem to make a lot of haste
It may seem just a play of fate
Do not let it all go to waste!

Run Just Run
The world is full of fun
Of which you know none
Do indulge in humor and pun!

You are afraid of scorn
And perceive it as a thorn
You get up every single morn
Worry,hurry and forget your bowl of corn!

Its time to stop thee
With delight and glee
Look back at the huge tree
And learn to fly like the birds who are free!

Vacation and rest
Bring you to the zenith of your quest
The world's a big wild fest
Lest you believe the rest is a test
But trust me, it's only for the best

Once in a while you've got to slow down
Completely remove the crease and the frown
Wear a big shiny smile like a golden crown
and never again will you look back down!

Shubham Chattopadhyay

Saturday, 10 December 2011

The Fall of a Kingdom!

The Fall of a Kingdom

There was once a time,
When I was king,
And the world was mine.
The twangs of bows and arrows,
Made disappear,
All my sorrows.
I lived and unhesitatingly lied,
To win over the people,
Whose hearts were mystified.
I was revered by the very Nature and Earth,
The wood from its best trees,
warmed during winter,
My chaste hearth.
My court was large and titanic,
With learned people from far and wide,
It appeared beautiful and majestic.
Songs of my courage and valour were sung,
By minstrels and bards,
And the village children carrying dung.
Mighty I was, also proud and vain,
Was looked up to by my peers,
With respect and hidden disdain.
Thus I ruled for a few years,
But,for an incident,
Which turned around my fears.
My castle was set on fire,
By enemies, and foes,
Who immediately bore the crucible of my ire.
However,I came back home only to find,
My dear ones burnt,
To ashes,to ashes,
Me,left alone physically and in mind.
By overbearing grief,I was overtaken,
My jesters and ministers,
At this worried and shaken,
My kingdom cried at my plight,
But their suffering was by no means like mine,
It was,as though,my soul
To the Devil,had taken flight.
On that very day,I lost all aggression,
In front of an empire,I swore,
Never to touch another weapon.
In a few days I had aged,
So many decades,I feared,
I would die in this misery, completely caged.
I watched everything disinterested,
While my kingdom fell,
To mutiny and invasion,
That was the chance for which some had waited,
Me?What would I do caught in this wild dream?
Everything was a haze,
Besides watching my family scream.
I was simply good for nothing,
I wondered,after all,
was life worth living?
I went to my room,
On the day my enemies charged the citadel,In full battle ware,
Looked at myself in the mirror,
Drew out my gleaming sword,which,
For others had always spelt doom,
Passed it right through my heart,
Which was to say completely bare.
There was once a time,
When I was king,
And the world was mine!
-Shubham Chattopadhyay

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Indian Politics

This might seem a little outdated.But that's because it was written sometime back.Happy reading!

Indian Politics

Indian Politics, a state of the art scum
It makes democracy an intended pun
With politicians beating their own drums
We need Andre to shoot 'em down with a gun

The green hand commands little respect at the centre
The Silent One at the helm, brandishing a Walther
Sonia and Rahul, go around creating a banter,
Hoping Kapil,Pranab,PC would never really falter!

Very up north, the militants create havoc
Omar and his dad desperately need Captain Haddock
In Punjab the Akalis pray to Mata Hari
Hoping their Gdp goes right up the gulley

Rajasthan and Maharashtra changed leaders in a haste
The Gujjars of the sands made Vasundhara look waste
Underworld and Kasab made Mumbai literally paste
Recovery is on, lets just hope for the best!

Sheila in Delhi, did make a little mistake
When the CW games were very much at stake
Maya in UP, is apparently fake
Benefits of her stay the reserved classes did take

Bengal has a big story of its own
After 37 years, the communists, people disowned
Didi came home, to find the vault empty
To Pranab did she beg for money in a jiffy

For Andhra, it was, shambles all the way
With YSR gone, the Telengana movement gained sway
In Assam and Kerala, power changes hands every term
True sign of democracy,people should learn to be firm

The Tamils, in the past few years, had a lot of woes
The people in power, really broke a lot of vows
MK went out, his daughter in jail
To grab his post, old Amma did not fail

The Orange Brigade,grew in the West
Gujrat saw Modi's leadership at its best!
The case of Ayodhya formed the news crest
However Modi for PM, BJP did not jest!

Karnataka however ruled the roost
Yeddy, at first, was a big boost
Hegde fought and fought and brought him down
Kumaraswamy, a dullard, still aims for the crown
Sadananda Gowda, then entered the ditch
While SM Krishna ended up reading the Portuguese FM's speech!

Hirani Khar gained a fat lot of attention
She did make a few drop their decisions
Made Krishna adjust his wig 15 times in tension
And favored among the nations, their cricketing relations

On India,corruption took its utmost toll
Raja, Radia, Kalmadi, Amar, tried to be King Cole!
Looking at this Anna took a astand
Arvind,Kiran and the people of India lent their hands
The crazy Baba's acts of yoga in Ramlila were thwarted
To Haridwar,in a salwar, by the police was he carted

The future of India at this stage looks bleak
The reps at the centre shouldn't act like freaks
We may have to build it back brick by brick
But, we The People OF India, solemnly swear never to fall for cheap tricks!

Shubham Chattopadhyay

Monday, 5 December 2011

The Girl By The Highway!

The Girl by the Highway

There she was,
Her mind at work,
Evading sulky gloom.

And she sat,
On the dandy sand,
Behind,the forest bloomed.

With blue jeans on,
And a jumper bright,
What would you assume?

There played on,
A cacophony of birds,
The hawk in the sky did croon.

Clear was the sky,
The blue, evening sky,
Waiting for the moon.

Oh what was the girl doing there?
Her thoughts over her head,
A rather big balloon!

- Shubham Chattopadhyay

Just Another Bad Day

Just Another Bad Day

I just had a bad day
It made me sad in a way
From dawn to dusk, all plans went astray
At one time all seemed gray
And I had a very bad day!

It started with the dawn
When I left to go yon
I went about quite like the don
Little did I know what was on
There went my morn

And then it was noon
I felt like a blithering fool
A bath made me a bit cool
All afternoon did I drool
For I felt as bad as a goon

Dear evening came by
With it came a house fly
Which absolutely went all awry
The worst news was yet to fly
An invitation that would make all cry

Along came the night
Chief trudged home with all his might
He hardly found the letter very bright
the situation gave me a huge fright
I had to wish sleep Adios! And Good night!

I just had a bad day
A day where all seemed gray
It was hardly delicious food on a tray
Every joy was on the fray
And I had a really bad day !
-Shubham Chattopadhyay

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Those Old Lanes

Our Old Lanes

We leave behind these lanes
Where we didn't ,happiness, feign
From now, catch away bound trains
And some in the future their speedy planes
We leave behind these lanes

In a corner among the classroom,bound
We lived, forever happy and sound
Hope someday we turn around
To remember all the sheer joy we found
Among the classroom bound

Where the mind knew no fear
Where every single inch seemed dear
In some cheeks flow a solitary tear
To recount all the wonderful cheer
The mind revelled without fear

With friendships built and cemented
None were seriously hated
Besides some teachers who created
A hard life for the ill fated
Through all this we fretted
But the bonds remained well plated

As we face these places again we see
Our youngerselves, so carefree
Now we grow away like a branched tree
Some free, some absolutely crazy
Those places again we see

We leave behind these lanes
Stay connected with a few friends
People follow their very own trends
Their careers they seek to mend
So empty seem those lanes!
-Shubham Chattopadhyay